In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed the NSA collects personal data on every American, as well as many more people worldwide. The shockwave of the revelations still ripples today.
What is the NSA?
The NSA is the U.S. National Security Agency. Although it ostensibly works to protect U.S. citizens and interests, the NSA monitors every American and the people of many allied countries—all with the backing of the U.S. government and large portions of Congress.
But it’s not only the NSA spying on its own people. Its counterparts at the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) are also spying on and hacking targets of interest.
Here are ten ways the NSA is still spying on you, right now, according to documents leaked by Edward Snowden and further investigation by the press.
How NSA surveillance works in America
1. The NSA can still access your phone records
In 2018, the NSA acquired data from over 600 million phone calls and text messages. It proceeded to delete many of them, citing “technical irregularities” but didn’t specify how many were expunged from servers. The USA FREEDOM Act, passed in 2015, puts the onus on telecommunication providers to hold on to phone records, after which they can be requested by the NSA rather than the spy agency keeping tabs on them directly.
This has meant that the overall extent of phone records collected by the NSA has gone down—but it’s hard to take their word at face value. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that the NSA has straight up lied about its surveillance policies.
2. Big Tech passes your data to the NSA
Facebook, Google, Apple, and six other leading online services have all gone on record as having given their customers’ data to the NSA, as legally required by the “PRISM” program. Data shared includes emails, messages, and documents.
3. The NSA can hack your devices
When the NSA finds a security hole in a popular consumer device, it does not fix the security hole, but instead exploits it. The NSA’s hacking unit, Tailored Access Operations, has developed a whole range of hacking exploits. These enable the NSA to break into consumer electronics devices and IT systems as it sees fit.
4. The NSA puts “backdoors” in your devices
The NSA has made the job of hacking security devices easier for itself by coercing many manufacturers to build vulnerabilities into products. The NSA supposedly created new guidelines surrounding this practice after the Snowden revelations but refuses to say what those guidelines are.
If that isn’t enough, the NSA is known to intercept shipments of computers and phones to put “backdoors” on them. The backdoor circumvents security measures of the device, allowing the NSA to spy on the end user.
5. The NSA can track you wherever you are
When you move around town, cell phone towers can calculate your exact position. Though the NSA claims it no longer collects this bulk data itself, cell phone providers are still required to do so, and they, in turn, must surrender those records to the NSA when ordered by a court.
By far the worst aspect of this unwieldy power is that you don’t even have to be the subject of an inquiry yourself. The data of millions can be handed over, without notice, because you had even the most tangential connection to a person under surveillance.
How the NSA spies on you overseas
6. The NSA has tapped internet lines worldwide
The internet connects different continents via undersea fiber optic cables that carry staggering amounts of data. In some places, the NSA has deals with local intelligence agencies to tap into these cables; in others, it does so on its own. The NSA even uses submarines to attach snooping bugs to wires deep beneath in the ocean.
7. The NSA hacks foreign companies
In Brazil, Germany, and other countries, the NSA has broken into the internal networks of major telecommunications providers, intercepting the data they gather and weakening the security of their systems. It collects every email and phone call it can.
8. The NSA knows everything you own and buy
Through agreements and hacking, the NSA can access credit card networks, payment gateways, and wire-transfer facilities around the world. This monetary surveillance allows the NSA to follow every cent of your money and know where it comes from and what you spend it on.
9. The NSA spies on foreign leaders
Another revelation in the Snowden documents was that the NSA asks senior officials in the White House, State Department, and Pentagon to share personal information they have on foreign leaders.
The leaked memo revealed that over 200 confidential phone numbers were handed over to the NSA, which proceeded to tap their conversations. The NSA didn’t spare countries friendly to the U.S. either, with German leader Angela Merkel also one of the ones targeted.
10. The NSA can spy on tracking cookies
Cookies, or small packets of data that relay location history and used to serve you with targeted ads, have also been collected by the NSA. The spy agency has honed in on them to identify users around the world as prime hacking targets.
Protect yourself from NSA surveillance
While NSA surveillance extends across the globe, there is still a lot you can do to safeguard your internet privacy. Check out this list of top privacy tips and always be conscious of what you’re sharing, with whom you’re sharing, and how you share it.
FAQ: About NSA spying
Why does the NSA spy on us?
The NSA conducts mass surveillance (otherwise known as spying) for the alleged purpose of “national foreign security intelligence and counterintelligence purposes and to support military operations,” according to the NSA itself.
The 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon spurred the U.S. government to pass the USA Patriot Act, a landmark piece of legislation with the stated goal of tightening U.S. national security against the threat of terrorism. The act made it easier for the NSA to monitor the phone and email communications of ordinary Americans, as well as track their activities on the internet.
The Prism program is another reason the NSA spies on American citizens. The U.S. government claim that Prism is used exclusively for gathering information about foreign targets seeking to commit acts of terrorism against the United States.
However, Edward Snowdon revealed the true reality of Prism, warning that the scale of the mass data collection was greater than the public was aware of, including spying into the communications of American citizens.
When did the NSA start spying?
The NSA was spying as far back as 1919 in its precursory guise as Black Chamber. The Black Chamber persuaded Western Union and several other telegram and communications companies to give them illegal access to the telegram traffic of foreign embassies and consulates.
It’s difficult to know exactly when the NSA started the modern mass surveillance of American citizens. The public first became aware of this mass surveillance in late 2005 following a series of news reports. Thanks to these reports and evidence provided by whistleblower Mark Klein, a former AT&T technician, we know that the NSA has been spying on ordinary Americans since at least 2001.
How can you stop the NSA from spying on you?
Use encryption whenever possible, including moving to more secure instant messaging apps such as Signal. It’s also a good idea to avoid using ride sharing apps and online shops, as these can track your location as well as your personal and financial information.
Another step you can take is to use cash or Bitcoin rather than credit and debit cards when making payments. It’s also worth avoiding social networks, where your activity can be monitored. Using a VPN and Tor can also make it harder for anyone to track your location or know your identity when you go online.
Of course, the NSA can still track your movements via your phone. This is because your phone is in constant communication with cell phone towers. Turning your phone off or getting rid of it completely will also make it more difficult for the NSA to spy on you.
Does the NSA spy on other countries?
Yes, the NSA has the authority to spy on 193 countries. Only four countries are exempt from the NSA’s surveillance: the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The U.S. has signed no-spying agreements with these four countries, and the five of them together are known as the Five Eyes.
This article is not a scare tactic. It is more specific and targeted than even the author exposes. USA is experiencing a color-revolution perpetrated by rogue agencies who would deny even your right to vote the wrong way. Military-grade psyops in play, in multiple western countries BTW too. As an average citizen, I would love to be wrong actually, cause who wants to live like that, good god, but there’s simply a preponderance of hard data points and whistle blowers that exist that make it hard to dispute it. Fight the power — by doing your own research and supporting independent outlets and sources; there are too many for them to silence.
You are 100% correct!
All apps in your Android phone also spy.
For fun (and shock): go read the app permissions in apps as -Google Play, -Mp3player, -Note and all more: those apps can AND do spy: make pictures, record audio and copy your personal details and send it from your mobile device to ‘who-knows-where’
Also good to know is:
When you download / use any (VPN)-app from Google Play; it is NOT secure! Google DOES vieuw, copy, modify, track and store all your details!!
Privacy my #ss.
Hugs from Holland
I am probably a little paranoid, but after reading about “Smart Dust” i feel nobody on earth has any privacy, between that and God watching us we are pretty much what we paint ourselves to be, and on a side note i have nothing to hide either.
Yes you are right
Smart dust remote neural monitoring and V2K te hnologies mean noone is private. They listen in to your thoughts and manipulate it via scalar waves and EMF rays. We need engineers to devise security solutions for.neuroprivacy
I use a vpn for everything I do online except pornography. The porn I view is useless information for government agency’s
VPN’s are for everyday hackers and scammers. Hate to say it but you ain’t hiding anything from the NSA just because you bounced your IP address around through numerous countries.
I am too tired to go into all the details and legalities at the moment, but they can spy on me all they want. I have absolutely nothing to hide from anyone. Even If I did I can’t hide it from God.Please don’t buy all the garbage bandied about that ALL of the CIA and NSA is corrupt because that is simply untrue! Same goes for cops politicians FBI and big tech! Sorry I am just too tired to do Barrons law school at the moment! Love ya Mike Pompeo! Also Buck Sexton, Mark Davis, Torrentono, Greg Hartley. Etc.😎😄 Almost forgot. Hope Trump doesn’t get mad, but I would love to meet James Comey just wouldn’t want to play basketball against him! One last important thing.Myself 1st and others need to stop pointing fingers and start with the man in the mirror! I am sick of it is the deep state or its all the left liberals fault etc.I am getting better at casting out the tree trunk in my eye before trying to take the splinter out of my neighbors. The blame should probably start with hypocrite Christians like me who should be preaching the good news. Then I guess we the people who were warned about this once great Republic. “If you can keep it.” When only 15% of Americans know the Bill of rights, their neighbors and only 15% are truly Christian we have a problem up in here!!! Yeah a lot of dirty laundry!!! Take a man with no education and he is right by the train tracks. He may steal some nuts and bolts. Now give him 4 years at some Ivy League college and he’ll steal the whole train! Most of us have a spiritual problem. So I will leave you with this. America is broken and lost and if we want change it starts at the cross!
You aren’t paranoid they know everything about us and I say so what, at first I was infuriated by the thought, I was out of my skin over it for the longest time. But time is the antidote, ironically! As time goes on they become desensitized to what they didn’t know really exists. And it loses its luster. that only means they get to realize what people actually are. Even when the people believe no one is watching them That sounds bad, and can be in some cases sure, but I believe people are generally good. but make no mistake about it, because they can’t arrest the whole world now can they ?? Lol. Yeah I don’t think so. Not everything is zen. So the knowledge they gain is their undoing I say let ‘em have it as soon enough it will evolve as old news 💤 and these kinds of paranoid individuals who hack for these reasons will soon be like the children they behave like, they will become bored with the same ole info and we both know they will continue to up the Annie just to satisfy their own character defects and short-comings which I can promise are worse than any of ours. In most cases. Speaking for myself. Now That we’ve all seen what the FBI really is, or what it has evolved into, what it really consist of? These people are not very smart, they have access to info that is far above thier collective wisdoms. never should we be hacking or looking at our own citizens, it’s a means to an end if you ask me. If the question were asked, not too bright
Let me guess. You serve coffee at the FBI office and get the wonderful job that field agents refuse to do, like gaslighting American Citizens into believing our government is not corrupt. Please….keep serving coffee because you suck at lying.
I am a retired soldier, with 3 tours in Iraq. I have voluntarily given our country my blood, sweat and mentl health. I also do a lot of volunteer work, and do everything I can to keep the people in my life aware of our political and economic environment, our Rights, and what we can do to create meaningful change to make our lives better and safer. Now I too have nothing to hide, but that doesn’t mean I want the government to look in my metaphorical underwear drawer. Lastly, to address your comment about only 15% of citizens being Christian, it doesn’t matter. We have always been a multicultural nation. Personally, I’m an atheist and i deserve all the rights and social benefits that Christians enjoy. This is because the Founding Father’s enshrined separation of church and state into the Constitution because they saw how Europe was torn apart by religious strife. Making our country a better place does not start with the cross. It starts by ensuring our country treats every citizen equally, and stopping government corruption. We have the right to privacy.
Thank you Bob for you Service and Sacrifices for our Nation. Well stated Sir!!
The cross you talk about is for your salvation and to healed your brain. Unfortunately you contribute to the problem with your ignorance of the true. I hope your believe system is based on the true both in spiritual realm and in the natural realm. Don’t be part of the problem, but wake up and become part of the solution.
Wow. I’m glad you weren’t too tired to talk about yourself and not your musings about online privacy. I bet you thought we wanted to know the ramblings of your mind. We don’t. Thanks for sharing.
I just had to say I agree with Sean Consiglio here and started writing the same exact message but see he beat me to it. I was a bit offended by ExpressVPN using the NSA as a scare tactic to pay for the service. Any country believing their own country doesn’t listen in on it’s own citizens for keywords that trigger threats of terrorism is just ignorant and if you aren’t involved in terrorism or using keywords that would trigger attention to you, than you have nothing to worry about because trust me, the government (any government) has no time or concern for much else and if they want to hear me talking about the Dodgers and whether they’ll make it to the next world series with a friend, God Bless them. They are only keeping us more safe. So why use a VPN, if you want to get sporting events like a baseball game when it’s blacked out in your area (just say it as it is). The only reason I’m even here is because a friend is paranoid that someone in his apartment complex is literally a hacker listening in on his network so I was just going to give him a quick link if having a VPN gave him the sense of added security. Bottom line, making the United States governmetn sound like North Korea isn’t the best way to earn points (at least with Americans) excluding those who are just using it to watch blacked out broadcasts or if you are maybe a gamer and want to mod your Xbox where you are worried about getting reported on with Microsoft.
Like Sean said above, if you aren’t doing anything wrong or are transmitting unencrypted sensitive information (which you shouldn’t be), then you don’t need a VPN.
Just saying it like it is.
God Bless America and it’s attempt to protect our nation against the evils of others and damn those like Snowden who would actually unhinge or handicap our ability to do so. When Russia is finished with Snowden, hope he’s caught and pays for his contribution to terrorism and harming our nations security.
You do not fear Government Spying because you are not a person who engages in bad things. That’s not the point. Government has no business in your business. If they did, they have ways to do it legally. Otherwise they are violating our rights, PERIOD. It’s as I tell people, as a Veteran (VFW, I was there) I fought for your right to be wrong. It is not whether one is right or wrong, it is the right of any person to think and feel as they do until they decide to change their mind. The government violates our rights on a regular basis. Take “Civil Asset Forfeiture” for instance. It is a violation of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments, yet the government uses it as a tool whenever they choose to. Red flag laws are another example of a violation of our individual rights. Are we going to enter the world of Orwell’s 1984 smiling, or screaming in protest?
You are 100% right. Thank you, for putting your life, mind, and soul on the line for me!
Christians wouldn’t be christians if they really heard and fellowed what Jesus said or what he was teaching. He was dismantling organized religion with the truths he was saying. To which a whole new religion was built on. “Don’t be like those who pray publicly (they have their rewards). Don’t pray in repetitions. Go into a closet alone and talk to God. Pray something like this “”Our Father who art in Heaven… … …” Now ask yourself, what is the one prayer that christians say publicly in repetition? The Lord’s prayer, think about this, did we not hear what he just said about prayer?
Johnny I and many others are having a very serious problem in Middlesex and Union County NJ USA. I am an American but I don’t feel like one. I have been followed since 2017 by people that can do things only the government should be able to do. I have lost jobs because of this game they seem to be playing with people like me. I have no criminal record. I am 60 years old and have not known to have any enemies that would do this to me. I am baffled about what is happening to me, Until I was talking to a friend of mine and she said she is going through the same thing I am, and talked to other younger women who just came out and told her their ordeal without ever knowing that it was happening to her too. They moved out of the state! That was their solution. Well, I see it , so it’s real. I have gotten an apartment in North Brunswick, NJ. I was homeless for 2 years and I finally got an apartment and someone comes into my apartment and takes a CD case. In one week, the CD case is back in my apartment where I put it all the time. I go to the manager and she tells me My staff would never go into your apartment. The maintenance person tells me We have surveillance I want you to know I did not go into your apt. Just go to the Police and ask them to summons the tape. I went and the first thing the Police asks me is : Are you on medication? I am not, but they still would not let me have the chance to know who went into my apartment! So, I didn’t feel comfortable in that apartment after that so I let go of a new apartment and became homeless again for a short time, but still no serve & protect. . I got another apartment. Someone came into that one and sprayed some kind of lethal substance in it where I could not live in it. I called environmental services they would not come. I remained out of the apartment because my mother had a stroke so I spent a lot of time at her place. Now she has hives every time she sleeps on her couch and so I slept on it and now I have them. The Comcast box that we had to get for her new television kept smelling up her place. She never had these problems before. We kept changing the box and finally after 7 months the Comcast Xfinity technician tells us that this is not the right box for the smart TV. This smell still happens in her apartment after 11pm and she has been hospitalized 4 times . When I leave the apartmant and work 7 hours the hives go away? I hear a racing car every time I come to her house. It seems as if this person wants me to know that he /she knows where i am. It has become a real problem, because I have called, emailed, written the Internal affairs about this and they do absolutely nothing! This continues to just go on. My friend has it worse they taunt her, but I guess it is just a matter of time before I will have that problem too. She cries every day because they follow her all the way out of the district! They may even have a solution that can make you have hives and become incontinent. I know this doesn’t sound possible. I guess that would be what they would want you to think. Well, I have tried to get lawyers , they just don’t know what to do about something like this. I would say investigate! follow them! I just wanted someone to know. I feel better now but , as far as the land of the free and brave , well one out of two is ridiculous in this day and age.
I hate hearing about your worries, but let me remind you of something, what you are experiencing is very real. Our government has been playing these exact mind games of tormenting a subject to study how they will react. It is a sick game. So, stop thinking about them, and what they have done to you, and go on and live your life with some happiness knowing that you are well protected by the 3 letter agencies!! 😉
Buy yourself an indoor security camera that you can view on your cell phone.
That will help you to sleep at night.
Good Luck!
All of 2022 all of what to said, I too have been dealing with. I am in a trailer park and it feels like it’s one big organized gang stalk effort. Cars always follow me out and always a couple coming in. My house has been vandalized, stolen items, also stolen and brought back sometimes also, some blackish red substance sprayed all over my decor and new rug. I don’t have anything nice because they ruin everything and try to make it look like something else. Locksmith did no good and on 3rs home security and they vials all without tripping alarm so what’s the point to pay this kind of money when it can be hacked and I was told absolutely not; they lied. 2 phones hacked, internet hacked and all social medias and I have no way to surveillance my home other than cell phones and they have planted software on those too and know when so record. This is sad. I am not a criminal either and I am a good person but I believe in freedoms and President Trump so I guess this got me in trouble. I think where I live was a hot bed for voter fraud honestly. I wish all of us going through this could connect somehow and compare stories. Also the police no help either and they say maybe you should move and also asked about meds and weapons and interrogated me when I call them out cause gas red laser on wall and back door wide open. I got those reports and it labeled me mental heath. I called them out a second time when security got hacked and I gained reports and they did not even mention the most importance thing in the report but tried to make me look paranoid and delusional. This is a sad state of affairs we are in when innocent law abiding citizens are targeted. I am from Michigan and we have a major corrupt democrats in control over here and all women to boot. I just wrote a book to your reply and hope you get this. Your not alone and if we are dealing with this how many more don’t realize or just don’t speak about it. I hope the people behind all this and the complete waste of resources and $$$ are held accountable some day. Take care and hang in there.
go ahead & hook me up to the internet & TV.
I like to view sites I have no interest in dem. and rep. view religions I do not adhere to, look at Items I never buy, and post things on social media that confuse any “watchers”…..that good little appearing Christian, or that evil socialist left winger LQBTQR whatever appearing person….can be totally the opposite of what is being presented….and NEVER put anything online you dont want known, or via text…if its that private, leave cell at home, use house phone, or even better, go talk to them in person…no one with a cell around…..always keep one guessing…I get advertisements for stuff I dont even buy, I subscribe to 4-5 magazines that I give to others (never read even 1 of my gun mags, readers digest or cooking mags)…I know it’s alot of trouble…but its also fun. My cars are paid for, I buy with cash (unless its stupid stuff). Always use a VPN.
Is using the Tor browser a good way to guard my anonymity?
Yes, it is a very good way to raise your anonymity online.
Tor browser itself is funded by the government. Tor was largely created through funding from the United States government in the 1990s and early 2000s, including from the Naval Research Lab and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. You can use Tor with DuckDuckgo search engine along with a VPN for extra protection.
Do you support the NSA watching you fuck through a TV, computer, or phone screen? I can begin to see how you idiots are not against being spied on in any manner. For the women, that don’t care check all images on the entire internet for your pretty little face or body naked or doing the deed with whoever, mem think about security with in your family it’s not very secure to have a government know all your secrets especially when it is becoming a tyrannical government. Good luck dumbfucks!!!!
How many more Snowdens are out there that never complete their mission and we never here about? Imagine the government having this technology in the early 1970’s. The Pentagon Papers would never have been released exposing the lies of Vietnam and the senseless slaughter of Vietnamese and American lives. The future has a bright side but it needs our help. New tech developers must refuse to cooperate with government to grant them access. They wont have to refuse for an indefinite period of time, only long enough to leave them in the dust. Imagine future advancements at an ever increasing pace. It wont be long before rejecting a government request will be based not on a protest but a physical impossibility. Like being asked to integrate your new chip technology into their vacuum tube 8-track devices. Now imagine the laughter that ensues after such a request. Sunny days everyone!
It would be a positive if the monitoring NSA actually helped pinpoint and able to assist in prosecuting the mostly from overseas ”WhackHackers”. Yeah, the ones that steal so much from the citizens it monitors and professes to protect.
I agree 100%. I really wouldnt think anything bad about the government keeping track or whatever they do cause I myself have nothing to hide, but they really dont do NOTHING about the F****D up people they do monitor. That would b the best thing in the world , to actually catch and bust everyone they monitor that is either doing WRONG TO KIDS, ARE POTENTIALLY DOING WRONG TO KIDS, HUMAN TRAFFICING,..ECT. the list goes on.
I suddenly feel violated in every way possible. The NSA is a major hacking/surveillance organization that loves watching you takes shits and scrub between those cheeks. If anyone is a criminal, it’s this group of people that claim they have a right to private information. No one is safe from prying eyes, we live a cyber world full of geeks that invent technology to harass your very existence. I believe they pretend like their Gods or Santa Clause. They know when your naughty or nice. Don’t be surprised if you end up getting a lump of coal for Christmas.
Personal I don’t care if the NSA is watching me. They know I work for the DoD and that I am in the National Guard. Only place I ever go is to work on JBER and my Boss house on JBER and my own house off base. I don’t drink or do drugs. I have Facebook and Twitter I mostly support President Donald Trump. I play video games. I never was a Hero unless you want to count being a Drag Queen as a Hero, hey I can make jokes also.
I felt the same way too! Nothing to see here!
But, from your comment, your support of Trump (I do too), will be a good reason as the goal is to erode our constitional rights here in US of A.
And read the Patriot Act (George W Bush), in its entirety. You will find you just may be included in one of the ‘groups’ to be considered a ‘terrorist group’ in this US of A.
God bless you.
Exactly. The problem with knowing everything you do, anywhere you go, and everything you buy or study on the web, is that it is all connected to behavior algorithms that pick out certain perfectly innocent legal activities and turn them into ‘potentialities’ of future behavior that could also, possibly, become criminal acts. Including just the complete innocuous situations of being in a certain proximity of strangers at certain time and location intersections who are already tracked. In other words if they ‘imagine’ you are about to commit some ambiguous crime, then they can violate your 4th/A right to due process and physically disrupt your life until YOU PROVE otherwise. Just ask the growing number of law abiding citizens , like the young man exercising on his bike by riding around his neighborhood recently and was ‘Geofenced’ tracked because he passed in front of a home the day it was burglarized too many times because it was his training route and was doing Nothing wrong. After the police were trying to arrest him and it cost a lot of money to get a lawyer to convince the police he shouldn’t be a suspect , he still suffered wrongful consequences to this type of Pre-emptive policing.
After They completely get going full totalitarian on this new type of ‘crime fighting’, those who think there’s no sweat if you have nothing to hide will probably be most likely to betargeted with this stuff.
it’s not about what you are doing wrong. It’s about what they WILL do wrong. Once you give up a right you never get it back. You are a disgrace to humanity for giving away the rights of future generations. The Nazis are coming and you are more than happy to open the door for them.
you are all so naive are so easily framed for anything any time..
they need you.. or just want to bust your chops… i see many reasons this could happen in what you have already written.. some dems are wanting to make lists of people who need to be de programmed… there you are.. that was easy…
Good lov u
Hey Shiva,
one God they exists, doesn`t exists;))
But, there are many ghosts.
Take care!
You are clearly a victim of mainstream media propaganda. Expressvpn is not trying to protect criminals but rather trying to protect independent journalist from censoring all their articles and tracking all their whereabouts. Being an independent journalist is not an easy job, you will make a lot of enemies from high places for exposing the evil. Too much power given to intelligence community can also be a detrimental for our “freedom of speech”, if we still have it. Maybe you can try watching the movie of Will Smith – “The Enemy of the State,” so you can know how devastating it can be against law abiding citizen who are just doing the right thing to do.
Of course we have Freedom of Speech. The 1st Amendment guarantees it, and all it means is that the GOVERNMENT cannot censor you or jail you for your words. The 1st Amendment does not apply to private entities, and businesses. If you post something that violates a platforms rules they are free to delete it and ban you. Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom from consequences.
The NSA is a highly respectable organization.
They protect us all from the bad guys.
Why ExpressVPN like and encourage criminals online?
NSA bot spotted!
Least obvious fed
Who are the bad guys? That’s the question. Who ever they consider to be bad. As in, bad for their agenda. WTFU
NSA will eventually be enforcing hate speech for groups that have gained power over time. When the political parties get influenced enough by those groups, then “silencing” will occur. Bloomberg has demonstrated that he like to control people right down to their 32 oz cola cups when mayor of NYC. Be wary of him.
If they do the right thing, they protect us from those that would do us harm… both domestically and internationally. I am glad they have the capabilities that they have. The key is who keeps the NSA and other agencies from abusing their mandate. This is where we should have oversite from NON-PARTISAN people who have the power to police these agencies and take both criminal and administrative actions against anyone who violates the rules and law. This is not hard stuff to figure out, but when you have politics involved, everyone has an agenda. And believe it or not, but it is a fact, some members of Congress from both parties CANNOT pass a background to receive classified information. I know we don’t want to restrict (other than basic qualifications) who runs for office, but this is something we should deal with as well.
What are you talking about? Criminals? If there is anyone whos criminals,then its the NSA.
You are so wrong when you mention this, about criminals. So you mean Edward Snowden is a criminal?
I support actions that secure our nation, that protect ALL CITIZENS.
Action to identify and prosecute for example, high volume top tier lawbreakers who traffic in humans for exploitation, organ harvest, or any other extremely egregiously
despicable, deeply disturbing abuse perpetrated for financial gain.
Who makes the decision on how the information is used? What is their relationship with those they answer to? Do these demand transparency? Do they hold their reports accountable to the justice mandate?
Anytime powerfully equipped operations are exempt from public scrutiny, the risk potential of miscarriage, mismanagement or bias in the execution of its duties remains questionable.
I want to come in NSA
If you put your phone on airplane mode while out and about they can’t track your where abouts right?
The only way I know of to stop tracking is to remove the back off your device and take the battery out. Ji
Even then with all the cameras and video surveillance in the streets they’ll still track you
When you go outside, wear a mask ,a pair of non-transparent gloves, a pair of sunglasses that completely hide you eyes, and a spy camera detector device.
All this “spying,” on even the most average of “Joes,” is all in the name of “Homeland Security.”
After 9/11, many in government, (looking for an excuse), signed the “Patriot Act,” into law, giving the government permission to spy on the nation’s citizens, claiming it was to seek out potential terrorists, who may communicate their intentions, or coordinate efforts with co-conspirators.
Many in government wanted to do this electronic spying on EVERYONE, even before 9/11, obviously, for political purposes… 9/11 was the opening they needed, to get what they wanted.
It’s the reason now, Conservative groups, or individuals, and others, are targeted, silenced, removed from internet social media, and attacked in many other ways.
Many other nations had been already spying, or “monitoring,” their citizens, and even controlling what people saw on the internet, or even how they responded to it.
Censorship is a heavy political tool on other countries, where the government controls all that the people see.
Why does the government or NSA spy on you?Its wrong and dumb!
The ironic thing is by using a VPN you are probably more likely to be a target because you’re trying to remain anonymous. Oh well, if they want to waste time looking through my internet porn history then be my guest. Have fun!
Good point, ya i kinda figured that out when my spam mail increased after using vpn, which says that tracking was not blocked but rather diverted around a post sort of speak.
Omg so Cool
I’m Asian but, I wouldn’t care if United States government spying on people ’cause I think they are trying preventing crimes or trying to catch criminals. But other country government, they seems really love people’s privacy.
They are spying on you not trying to catch criminals
So intelligent
i am doing a report for school. thank you!
Seems to me that being safe is a fine thing, but there’s no reason for them to monitor those of us that don’t talk about illegal things I think having a product like this to prevent hackers from coming at my computer blindly through some bot is a good thing. I hate thinking about where I am when I use my cell to check my bank balance, or what internet connection can I get on to download something, or if I went to a wrong URL and worry that they snagged my info. I know that’s happened, because I started using my pen name “Vilanne…” in email, messages, even told friends that’s how I’m represented on the web. They understood and even considered doing the same. I even received a Credit Card offer to that name! That’s not my real name, so it was totally clear someone snagged that name for their data mining purposes. *heavy sigh* It’s just going to keep getting worse.. so we need to be diligent just to protect our personal lives.
Sure but how would they know you are not talking about illegal things? they should just believe you?
Describe the circumstances under which the CIA and the NSA would be justified in spying upon Americans.
I am too tired to go into all the details and legalities at the moment, but they can spy on me all they want. I have absolutely nothing to hide from anyone. Even I did I can’t hide it from God.Please don’t buy the garbage bandied about that ALL of the CIA and NSA is corrupt because that is simply untrue! Same goes for cops politicians FBI and big tech!
Agree that probably most of what you’re saying happens, but where are the sources for NSA using submarines and intercepting shipments of electronics?
Mickey Mouse
Blind Man’s Bluff is a proof of concept from the Cold War. Google “NSA Cisco Routers”.
There is Pros and Con with It!
But I admire the creation of this product !!!
Thank you !!
Very informative.
greetings from 4chan
Welcome! Also, the game.
hey may use the word brethen. makes me feel warm and fuzznutz
Hi good. Bigo video bhaiyo
Were do I find Tor browser?
for security reason and for the safety of the people i think it is a must for the govt , cia or nsa to spy on people, the more they spies the more safety. i don’t think there is any wrong with it.
For now. What if in the upcoming years those data are used against ourselves? Please think about tomorrow and what they can do. Safety is just a reason to make you swallow their bullshit.
you forgot to mention how they can break every vpn encryption….
That’s completely false. You’re getting hooked down into some conspiracy here that helps ExpressVPN sell more of their users data to advertisers. The NSA can’t break encryption, but exploits in systems could reveal the “key” to breaking a certain encryption method.
To be clear, ExpressVPN doesn’t sell user data, and indeed doesn’t HAVE user data to sell. For full details:
In agreement with Act1ve and so many others above… I seriously can’t endorse a company that would use the actions of someone like Snowden (a traitor and facilitator to hinder national security against the fight of terrorism on its people) just to sell membership services through the use of scare tactics. Yes, the US Government sifts for keywords that trigger terrorist threats, they have no concern for anything else and aren’t worried about your porn additions and anyone believing their country of any significant size isn’t doing the very same thing is just ignorant. If you don’t have anything to hide, you have nothing to worry about. ExpressVPN attacking the NSA, CIA, and US Government will only detour Americans and others who believe in the need for national security away from having purchased their product.