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New strain of malware steals credit card info from local businesses
The latest strain of malicious software targets everything from pet stores and movie theaters to restaurants and credit unions....
Is your Samsung Smart TV spying on you? – #WTFWednesday
Samsung Smart TVs are amazing huh? With voice commands and video calling built in, it’s like we’re in the...
3 non-profits that fight for your digital rights
Here's a roundup of groups taking a stand for our digital freedom by fighting censorship and privacy violations.
5 parts of your body that betray your identity
Find out which five parts of your body might be giving away your identity, thanks to advances in biometrics.
Game over: Hacking Team disclosure exposes spy agency playbooks
Who hacks the hackers? It's a question the founder of Hacking Team — a company which supplies its own...
Viral outbreak inspires MERS-themed malware
A human virus is a lot like a piece of malware, “downloading” itself into your system and draining your...
Disable IPv6 for better VPN protection
Note: There is no need to disable IPv6 if you use the ExpressVPN app’s IPv6 Leak Protection feature, which...
London’s 500,000 cameras are watching you. All the time – #WTFWednesday
Did you know London has over half a million CCTV cameras? Read on to learn more about the surveillance capital of the world.
Australia’s new anti-piracy law: Sink or swim?
This article was originally published on June 29, 2015. What happens when the government decides to crack down on Internet...
A spy-proof network? Astoria may hold the answer
What are your options if you want privacy on the web? Just being careful about where you surf, what...