OpenAI has been in the news for its new chatbot, called ChatGPT. Ask the online service a question, and it can return a full essay using realistically human-sounding language in well-executed structures. The information is convincing, too. It’s being compared to Google, except you get one detailed answer. And it’s not just answers to questions—ChatGPT can also write software code.
It all raises the question: Has the time finally arrived when AI will replace humans for writing tasks? High schooler homework, journalism, web content, someday even novels—will there still be a need for people to write like people?
For this post, we thought we’d ask the chatbot to tell us about OpenAI itself.
Our prompt: Write a 600-word blog post on OpenAI, including its origins, the benefits and risks of using OpenAI, and what its recent popularity could mean for AI over the next few years.
Below is how it responded:
OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory founded in 2015 by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman and Ilya Sutskever with the aim of advancing digital intelligence to benefit humanity. OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) – systems with human-level performance across a wide range of tasks – benefits all of humanity.
The main goal of OpenAI is to make sure that AGI technology will be beneficial for everyone rather than just a small group of people or companies. To do this, they are working on developing open source software tools and resources so anyone can contribute to the development and use of AGI technologies. They also create models which can be used by developers worldwide as well as offering grants and fellowships for researchers interested in developing new applications for AI technology.
One major benefit of using OpenAI is its potential for accelerating progress towards building more powerful machine learning models which could help us solve some difficult problems faster than ever before. With access to open source code, algorithms, datasets and other resources from OpenAI, developers have a unique opportunity to quickly develop solutions without having to start from scratch or invest heavily in proprietary solutions. This could lead not only to faster problem solving but also potentially better results due to improved collaboration between different teams around the world working on similar projects at once!
However there are some risks associated with using OpenAI as well such as privacy issues or malicious use of data collected through training networks. If these concerns aren’t taken into account when designing frameworks then it’s possible that users’ private information could end up being exposed unintentionally or even intentionally exploited by bad actors seeking personal gain or power over others. Additionally since many public datasets are used in training networks there’s always the risk that inaccurate data may be included which could lead to flawed decisions made by machines based off these inputs if not properly vetted beforehand!
Despite these potential risks though recent years have seen increasing interest in OpenAI from both individuals and large corporations alike who see value in leveraging their resources for various purposes ranging from automating mundane tasks like customer service inquiries all the way up through more complex ones like autonomous vehicles driving themselves safely down highways without any human intervention whatsoever! This growing popularity shows no signs slowing down either; experts predict that within just few years we’ll see huge advancements thanks largely due advances made available via platforms such as those provided by OpenAI — which means great things ahead when it comes our collective future relationship with intelligent machines!
There you have it. The writing is far from perfect, with odd punctuation choices (notably missing punctuation) making it difficult to understand. It could pass as being written by a human, if the human lacked any kind of flair for writing and had a tendency to copy publicity material. So far, we aren’t convinced. Sorry, ChatGPT!
Share your thoughts about increasingly convincing writing machines in the comments.
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A.I. is not just Artificial Intelligence. It is a lot more than pre-defined answers to the undefined queries…
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